Surfrider Blue
Surfrider Blue is an influential activist collective aiming to support and share Surfrider's battles.

Made up of over a hundred influential and inspiring personalities, Surfrider Blue is a collective of activists committed to fighting for the preservation and protection of the Ocean.
The members of the collective are athletes, artists, and even entrepreneurs, but above all, they are true lovers of the Ocean, ready to pool their resources and influence to create immediate impacts and make a difference.

“To be a Surfrider Blue is to be an influential person who is sensitive to environmental issues,
who wants to take action by all means possible, and who wants to carry out or create a project with impact”
Olivier CANTET, President of Surfrider Blue
Contribution #1
Thanks to their support, be it through membership, donations, or their active participation in recruiting new members, Surfrider Blue contributors are key drivers in expanding Surfrider Foundation projects.
Contribution #2
By participating in events organized by the association, contributing services with their unique skill sets, or offering pro bono work with their companies, Surfrider Blue contributors provide genuine support for Surfrider and advance the NGO in its development.
Contribution #3
The influence of Surfrider Blue members’ participation presents a wonderful opportunity to highlight Surfrider Foundation’s projects and battles. By relaying them to their communities, Surfrider Blue members help to spread the word about the environmental battles we are all facing.
Would you like to join us?

Join Surfrider Blue
Because the threats to the Ocean grow every day, and we have no more time to lose.
Rather than going it alone, we believe in the power of the collective.
Each Surfrider Blue member supports a project, whether it involves visible or invisible pollution, utilizes French Tech or participatory science, or raises awareness among the younger generations. Each finds their battle.

French Tech – Participatory science – Visible pollution
Plastic Origins
Extending our watch
Reduce plastic pollution of the oceans by studying the input of waste from waterways and proposing local solutions, mobilizing citizens and water sports enthusiasts.
Members that support the project

Raising awareness among the young generation – Participatory science – Visible pollution
Ocean Initiatives
Supporting and developing ocean initiatives
To empower the thousands of volunteers who collect waste every year, and help identify the main sources of pollution on our beaches and in our waterways.
Members that support the project
Frédéric KREBS
Antoine MARTEL
Isabelle CARRÉ

Invisible pollution – Visible pollution
Litigation program
Taking legal action against marine polluters
To ensure that those responsible for oil spills and illegal discharges are sanctioned by the courts.
Members that support the project

Invisible pollution – Visible pollution
European Label Shipping
Setting up a sustainable shipping label in Europe
To measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from shipping.
Members that support the project

nvisible pollution – Participatory science
Analyzing bathers’ exposure to chemical pollution in the ocean
CURL aims to assess swimmers’ level of exposure to chemicals present in coastal recreational waters.
Members that support the project

Participatory science – Invisible pollution – Visible pollution
Coastal defenders
Strengthening and developing the Coastal Defenders network
To protect the coastline by supporting our local communities in their environmental battles.
Members that support the project

Raising awareness among the young generation
Échappée bleue
Offering underprivileged children the chance to become ocean ambassadors.
Introducing children to sailing over a period of several months, while raising their awareness of the need to protect aquatic environments. Tried and tested all along the French coastline, the project has proven its success with 320 children to date.
Members that support the project
Céline ANDRÉ
Jonathan LOBERT
Richard ROHOU
Christophe CROUZIER

Surfrider’s contributions to the collective
Allowing us to take action together in a convivial atmosphere, as opposed to acting alone,
Networking (DG, French tech, investors, athletes, etc.) through special events,
Accessing and participating in Surfrider’s global development strategy,
Enabling proximity to project managers to closely monitor the progress of projects.
The “Surfrider Blue” initiative is financed by the European Union’s LIFE Programme.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information it contains.