🕒 Estimated reading time : 10minutes
Given the immensity of environmental issues, activism is carried out in many ways. Among them, lobbying is emerging as an essential tool in influencing politics and legislation in favor of ocean protection, thus promoting an ecological shift that respects mankind, nature and the climate.
Drawing on the collective expertise of its team, Surfrider Foundation lobbies decision-makers at various levels. These efforts are aimed at promoting the NGO’s core missions, namely the fight against aquatic waste, the improvement of water quality and consumer health, and the preservation of coastal areas.
The NGO also counts on the coalitions within which it works every day, to increase the impact of its activities and promote significant change across a variety of initiatives.

Lobbying for the Ocean : an anwavering commitment
The efforts of Surfrider’s team of lobbyists are of crucial importance.
Unlike lobbyists who defend the private interests of their clients, Surfrider’s lobbyists defend a noble cause and, above all, the general interest.
They work, advise and fight on a daily basis to ensure that the voice of the Ocean is heard, and that the necessary decisions are taken to protect it.
Their mission is far-reaching: to identify the weak points in existing or proposed legislation, craft proposals and devise intervention strategies – an essential foundation for any act of political influence.
The tasks involved in lobbying strategies are diverse and include, among many others, of:
- 🔎 Studying existing legislation, to identify gaps and propose changes to bring it into line with current environmental challenges;
- 🤓 Analyzing legislative proposals put forth by European or national institutions in Europe regarding the issues addressed by the association on a daily basis: aquatic waste (combatting plastic pollution, promoting the reduction of plastic waste, etc.), water quality and the preservation of consumer health against various forms of chemical and bacterial contamination, etc., as well as the preservation of coastlines and the fight against climate change;
- ☝️ Proposing amendments to the texts presented during negotiations between various parties (at European Union level, between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council) in order to make them more ambitious and obtain laws that are in line with current issues.
These amendments are based, among other things, on the data collected and made available by the public and Surfrider’s scientific experts as part of participatory science projects; - ✍️ Drafting positioning documents aimed at clarifying the NGO’s commitment to certain issues and providing keys to understanding critical topics related to the pollution of the Ocean, as well as recommendations.
Based in Brussels, many of Surfrider’s advocacy managers are in proximity to the decision-making bodies of the European Union.
This proximity enables them to exert direct influence through face-to-face meetings, conferences and special events.
For example, in anticipation of the upcoming European elections scheduled for June 2024, Surfrider’s lobbying team has been actively engaging with candidates for several months, urging them to include Ocean protection issues in their agendas and programs.
Their presence in several European countries also enables them to take an active part in consultation processes and coalition meetings at national levels.
The impact of NGO coalitions: joining forces for lasting change
NGO coalitions represent a union of organizations sharing a common goal.
Faced against powerful private interests, NGOs often choose to unite their voices and strengths to defend the general interest.
Aligning messages within coalitions enhances their impact, incorporating a range of perspectives such as social considerations, to ensure comprehensive global solutions.
Working in coalitions offers Surfrider many advantages, including greater impact for its initiatives and messaging, harder-hitting lobbying power and the pooling of resources and expertise.
These strategic alliances enable Surfrider to take an active part in consultation processes and strengthen its influence on political decisions.
Surfrider Foundation: a pillar for major coalitions
Acknowledging the significance of collaborating with other NGOs to amplify the impact of its advocacy for Ocean protection, Surfrider Foundation takes a leading role in forming and supporting coalitions that scale. These include:
🤝 Rethink Plastic Alliance: This coalition brings together 9 NGOs, including (among others) the European Environmental Bureau, Client Earth, Zero Waste Europe and Surfrider Foundation.
As a member of the global “Break Free From Plastic” movement, it brings together political and technical expertise in a variety of fields, and works with European policy-makers to promote a future that is free from plastic pollution.
🤝 BeMed (BEyond Plastic MED): This coalition’s member NGOs are working for a plastic-free Mediterranean Sea.
Surfrider, Tara Océan and the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) are each part of BeMed.
The aim of this regional coalition is to support and network players committed to fighting plastic pollution in the Mediterranean, facilitate the implementation of solutions to combat plastic pollution, and encourage the sharing of best practices.
🤝 Green Sports Hub Europe: This coalition serves as a “Green Deal” in the sports world, designed to help various stakeholders identify their needs and the potential actions necessary to evolve in harmony with the environment (via, among other things, raising awareness of sustainable development in the sports sector).
🤝 Ocean & Climate Platform: Comprising 111 members, which include associations, foundations, public and private entities – the Ocean & Climate Platform’s mission is to place the Ocean at the heart of international discussions. Its mission is to foster contemplation and dialogue among the scientific community, civil society, and political leaders, in order to enhance the consideration of the Ocean while combating climate change.
🤝 Blue Up: Blue Up is a coalition of European organizations working for a better-protected ocean, who have joined forces in the context of the European elections. Together, they are working to put Ocean protection at the heart of the political agenda ahead of the 2024 European elections.
These coalitions have contributed to significant victories, such as the adoption of measures banning the most common single-use plastic objects found on coastlines. This marks a critical advancement in the battle against plastic pollution. Additionally, they secured the initial inclusion of the Ocean in the preamble of the Paris Agreement.
Surfrider Foundation’s involvement in advocacy activities, and in coalitions of NGOs and stakeholders, demonstrates the necessity and effectiveness of working together to protect the Ocean.
In a complex political landscape, these alliances can bring about significant change.
By joining forces, we can ensure a sustainable future for the Ocean and our future generations.