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November is the month without tobacco, but this week is also the European week for waste reduction. While thousands of people are trying to give up on cigarette for 30 days, would we be able as a consumer, to live without plastic for 7 days?

To find out, SURFRIDER offers a personalized coaching to help you reduce your plastic consumption like: food packaging, bottles, goblets and straws.

Disposable plastic is all around us, but fortunately there are solutions!

1st step: I test my addiction to plastic bags

First of all let’s start with a little test to know your level of plastic bags addiction!

Don’t worry, whatever your result might be, SURFRIDER is here to help you reduce your daily consumption of plastic. So are you ready to quit?


2nd step: I prepare my battle

With few simple actions it’s easy to reduce our own consumption. But for that, you’ll have to be well equipped! Here are the tools you’ll need to give up on plastic:

  • Cloth bags / Tote-bags: they are easy to transport and don’t take space, you can let one anywhere; at home, in the car, in a backpack, and most of all they are reusable! No more plastic bags. To quit your plastic bags’ addiction, you can check the new web page “Ban the Bag” and you’ll find a lot of advices:
  • The reusable flask: you won’t have to buy any more disposable water bottles. You can customize the flasks and they will allow you to always have water at your fingertips and save money.
  • Glass cans: it can be used for your drinks, your yogurt, to store your pasta, rice, sugar, salt etc. Buy in bulk and store in glass tins that you can reuse. Some shops allow you to directly use your containers, favor them by buying at their stores. This way you’ll drastically reduce your packaging consumption.

For those who wish to completely stop the plastic, you can read our zero waste article:


Step 3: I say “No” to plastic

Now that you have the tools and that you are ready to face the world filled with plastic, let’s practice: Learn to say “no!”.


At the supermarket, at the retailer, at the market or in the shops I say “NO” when someone offers me a plastic bag and I take out my reusable bag.

When I have a coffee, a smoothie or fast food, I take the lead and I ask not to have a straw.

Even better, always have a pair of cutlery with you, this way, when you order a takeaway, you’ll no longer need to use disposable cutlery, and for a picnic with friends, you can anticipate and bring your dishes which you can reuse.


4th step: I talk about it to the addicts around me and we motivate ourselves

Now that you know how to win, it’s a lot easier to do it with your friends and family so you can support each other! So why not joining this challenge all together?

It’s simple! Share the news on your social networks and invite your friends to participate!

And if you have other tips, do not hesitate to share them with us.