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Once a month, Surfrider proposes to discover people who are mobilizing for the benefit of the organization. This new “Inside” format highlights the volunteer involvement that takes place every day. Meet with these people who commit themselves.

Three friends, Amandine, Lucie and Marie decided to act for a cause that was important to them: the protection of the oceans. On their cycling trip from Vienna to Budapest, the three girls organizeded a fundraising for Surfrider. They saw this as an opportunity to create a beautiful humane and associative experience.

They will once again do a collection for Surfrider on a bicycle trip to Croatia : support them !

Tell us more about you? Have you always been sensitive to the causes of the ocean, waves, and coastline?

Amandine, Lucie, Marine: We are all 27 years old and live respectively in London and Paris. We did not grow up especially close to the ocean. However, we were all sensitive to it. During holidays or later during our studies, we were all made aware of the protection of the coastline, fauna and flora, pollution problems, etc. The ocean has become an environment that soothes us and allows us to quickly disconnect. Today, we are fully aware of the beauty of our environment and the need to preserve it.

How did you get involved with Surfrider ?

Amandine: Last year, Marie, Lucie and I wanted to combine holidays, a sports challenge and an associative commitment. There are many associations that we would have liked to support. We agreed on a commitment to protecting the environment and on a human scale so that our project and the fundraising will be a real boost. A friend (Surfrider volunteer, Marina if you recognize yourself!) Surfrider Foundation Europe advised us and it fit perfectly to our ideal.

Our project was to cycle the cycle paths from Vienna to Budapest in 5 days while motivating those around us to donate to Surfrider. It was the first time we started a project of this type and we did not really know what goal, in terms of donations, to set. We shyly opted for a goal of 1000 €. We therefore fully communicated our project to our personal and professional networks to collect donations. To our surprise, we were able to collect exactly € 1926! We were very proud to be surrounded by such generous people and this money goes to protect the oceans and the coastline.

What was the highlight of your experience?

Amandine: The highlight of this experience is that we achieved two goals that we were not sure we could achieve: the first, to do so many kilometers by bike, while we were only Sunday cyclists and the second, to convince our entourage to support Surfrider through our project. We would never have thought of receiving as many donations.

Lucie: Besides the sporting and associative goal, I had a great humane adventure with Amandine and Marie. A cycling week welds and actually strengthens a friendship. I remember at the same time our difficult moments because of our course (poorly marked paths or nonexistent, headwind, high temperatures … sometimes all at once!) But after the fact, all those things are completely hidden by our good memories like uncontrollable laughter, which usually occurred in the evening from fatigue! In short, we formed a real team, a trio at the top!

Marie: I will also add that we have learned about Surfrider’s reach and that most people know the association. Our project motivated people to take the plunge, otherwise they would not necessarily have taken the initiative to make a donation.

Do you have a message to convey? A final word ?

Amandine: This is really a project that I like to talk about and that gives me the feeling of having had a positive impact on the environment. It takes more preparation than ordinary holidays, but it’s worth it! We are proud of it and wish to start again. This year we will have two routes. Marie and I will once again do a collection for Surfrider on a bicycle trip to Croatia, while Lucie will travel southwestern France for her part, with a group of girlfriends for another association she wishes to support.

Lucie: The lesson I draw from this experience is that we have all the means within our reach to support a cause that is important to us. The experience is even richer when it is part of an “active” approach, for example when the promotion of an association pushes to surpass itself personally.

Marie: It is a very rich experience on many points and although some organizational efforts are necessary, it is within the reach of everyone! Many relatives told us that they would like to do the same thing, I have only one word: CHARGE!

During this humane adventure, Amandine, Lucie and Marie were able to mobilize for a cause that is dear to them. With their desires, their goals and their means, they managed a fundraising for Surfrider. This beautiful citizen initiative proves that everyone can act at their level, mixing personal pleasure and associative commitment.