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Nowadays, our societies are mainly built on fossil fuels. With this reality in mind, Sergio decided to act for sustainable production patterns, part of the energy transition. Volunteer and responsible of the branch “Aude” of Surfrider, in his scale, Sergio decided to mobilize for the marine renewable energy (MRE).

Tell us more about yourself ?

I’m a dad passionate about the sea and water sports with my family. Obviously, in Occitania I followed the major competitions of kitesurf and windsurf or stand-up paddle. Very soon, I was shocked by the plastic pollution and the inaction of the stakeholders. So, I contacted Surfrider and proposed to create an antenna of the organisation in the Mediterranean, to take action and develop its presence there.

Consultant in sustainable development for businesses and communities, I spend a lot of my time on issues of the energy transition, and more particularly on any recent progress in floating wind turbine, that I believe has the least environmental impact and is the most efficient.

How did you get engaged with Surfrider ?

The Aude coast is one of the windiest area of Europe. Two areas have been identified by the State for the construction of marine renewable energy projects, off the coast of Gruissan and of Leucate, where the seabed and sea winds are perfect. Therefore was it logic that I should follow the two proposed projects of floating wind turbine in my area.

Of Portuguese origin, I followed very closely the test phases of the floating wind turbine platform at Porto since 2011. The type of these wind turbines is Windfloat and is based on the same technology as the one planned in Leucate.

Two similar projects emerge on the off coast of Gruissan and Leucate, with the implantation of four wind turbines, at on average 10,6 miles from the coast. These parks with a total capacity of 24,6 MW will allow the production of nearly 100 million kWh/year, equal to the annual electric consumption of 50.000 residents.

The park, situated in the area of Leucate, will allow to optimize the learning of the technology of the floating wind turbine with an experimental stage of two years, followed by the intended exploitation during 15 to 20 years.

So, I followed the presentation and consultation meetings and represented Surfrider at the debates of the Parliament of the Sea. Fishermen are reluctant because their boats will need to bypass the wind turbine areas, whereas the industrial and the pleasure boat professionals remain cautious. Yet, this is an emergency for the climate and CO2 emissions, which will not wait … Not to mention the competitors, considering Scotland, Portugal, Norway, among others, who have already 10 to 15 years advance on France.

What do you retain of your action?

There is globally a lack of representativeness of different opinions during the consultations, and a lack of procedural knowledge of marine renewable energy projects. The feedback of the public discussions in different MRE projects show that it is a difficult, long and costly procedure which comes at a moment that the projects have already reached an advanced stage.

Unfortunately, the interlocutors of the general public and citizens of the concerned projects, are systematically qualified engineers or industrial managers, but inappropriate for communication to the general public: imagine mechanical engineers in concessions of Tesla proposing ecological arguments to the client…

Today there is an urgent need to establish a real dialogue with the users and to invite experts of renewable energy able to underscore the stakes and the interest of marine energy and offshore wind turbines, to every consultation meeting and exchange.

A message to get across?

Obviously, the phase out of fossil power provides new opportunities to seize, and Occitania is in the process of becoming the first energy self-sufficient region in France. We support these efforts and we follow closely these files and witness every stage in order to ensure to residents and the environment the most reasoned impact possible.

More personally, in my daily life, I chose a contract with energy suppliers (EDF, ENGIE…) who give priority to green and renewable energy, which will enable us to get out of nuclear power as quickly as possible. Something that everybody should do.

Deeply committed, Sergio acts on his territory to encourage marine renewable energy and to integrate at best these big projects. If you would like to invest in marine renewable energy you can take part in consultations and give your views. To a successul energetic transition, these projects must coexist at best with the territories and its users.