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#OurOcean : Surfrider acting for ocean protection

Surfrider Foundation Europe will be presenting and defending 3 of its commitments at the October 5 & 6 “  Our Ocean” conference organized by the European Commission in Malta. Featuring, conferences and debates about ocean protection and conservation. European and world change representatives and stakeholders will be present -Governments, NGOs, businesses, civil society- to implement immediate actions for marine protection.

« Our Ocean » Conference : actions, issues

Human impact on oceans and the environment have been acknowledged and there are many consequences: ocean warming and acidification, plastic pollution, overfishing….The “Our Ocean Conference” aims at limiting human activity impacts on oceans by adopting collective commitments.

Since 2014, the first conference, 250 tangible worldwide actions have been implemented with a total budget of 8.2 billion euros. They are divided in 6 fields of action : marine protected areas, climate change, sustainable fisheries, marine pollution, sustainable blue growth and marine safety.

Surfrider Foundation Europe, is acting on several battles

Surfrider’s main objective is to be heard and defend 3 of its commitments before decision-makers attending the conference:

  1. Surfrider Foundation Europe announced it will work in partnership with ship-owners and key maritime stakeholders to reduce shipping emissions through the promotion of a label for sustainable shipping in France by 2025. This label will aim at certifying that businesses have measured and reduced their CO2 emissions during the transport chain of their products -from the producer to the seller- and making this effort visible to the consumers.
  2. Surfrider Foundation Europe announced the launch of the #ResetyourHabit campaign. The initiative aims at creating awareness on the impact of single-use water plastic bottles and inspiring people to change their habits by using reusable gourds and canteens; industries to change the design of beverage bottles by preferring high-capacity and refillable containers; private companies and public institutions to use and promote tap water and water fountains.
  3. The Surfrider Foundation Europe, with the support of the Territorial Council of Guipúzcoa, AZTI Tecnalia and Rivages Pro Tech Research Centers, the Syndicat mixte Kosta Garbia, and the municipality of Biarritz, announced the launch of the LIFE LEMA project. The initiative will provide methodological guidance and intelligent tools to local authorities for the effective management of floating marine litter with a cross-border approach whilst promoting the diversification of fishing vessels’ economic activities. LIFE LEMA will run until 2019. It entails a total investment of EUR 2.1 million co-financed by the European Union.

Rethink Plastic et Break Free From Plastic coalitions

Last May, in regards to the « Our Ocean » conference, the Rethink Plastic coalition, co-created by Surfrider, organized an Ocean Initiative with EU staff members on the Belgian beach in Oostende to raise awareness amongst the general public. The goal was to show decisionmakers, businesses and civil society, the worsening plastic pollution and that it is time to take action in anticipation of this phenomenon by strict adopting legislation and changing our consumption of plastic.

The Break Free From Plastic coalition, which Surfrider Foundation Europe has joined, will be present in Malta to raise a piece of art made out of collected waste.

World young leaders for oceans second summit

Different backgrounds, countries and fields, over a hundred entrepreneurs, scholars, decisionmakers, civil society stakeholders under 35 years old have been selected to participate to this event.

Goals :meet, discuss, present their projects and get support. It will also be the opportunity for them to take inspiration from speakers present at the conference and develop their projects and ideas.

At this occasion Surfrider will focus on the Riverine Input project. The goal is to understand and analyze the origin of ocean waste, starting in the mountains following the water cycle.

For more information on « Our Ocean » :

The conference

The World Young Leaders for Oceans Summit

My ocean video