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In july, let’s detox our holidays with the Beach Tour Challenge!

This summer, Surfrider challenges you towards greener holidays. During the month of July, Surfrider will meet holidaymakers on the beach with different events and also on the web with the challenge #OceanDetox, to raise awareness about 5 simple actions. Check out the challenge rules and share your vision of your #OceanDetox every week. Ready to try together?


In July, forget about the selfies and try Surfrider’s #OceanDetox!

With the sunny days coming, some begin to look for their destination when others are already preparing their suitcase and their choice of activities for their trip. Too often unfortunately, we forget to take into account the environment while organizing our holidays. To change these habits towards greener holidays, Surfrider launches its version of the detox: a detox for our bodies but most of all, for our environement, to preserve our coastlines and ecosystems.

How to participate to the challenge?

What about showing our best profile at the beach? From our water consumption to the sunscreen we put on our skin, it is possible to make simple actions for the planet. To spread good initiatives, Surfrider challenges you on Facebook with 5 simple actions! Every week, each Wednesday at midday, join the good initiatives move on Surfrider Europe Facebook Page. To participate, it is simple: comment our posts by giving ideas of eco-actions and share these posts in order to transmit the good actions around you.

Even better: post directly a photo of yourself or a friend in action with the #OceanDetox hashtag to motivate as many people as possible to join the challenge!

Are you bringing a flask to the beach rather than a plastic bottle? A totebag rather than a single-use plastic bag? Do you regularly collect waste on your spot? Join the Beach Tour Challenge!

Surfrider Beach Tour: let’s preserve the oceans right on the beach!

With the Beach Tour, Surfrider will also go to meet the tourists. A summer event tour which will make them aware right on their place of relaxation.

From Saturday, July 3, this summer tour will cross two French coastal regions through four different stages. During each stage, Surfrider will offer a playful, participative and interactive media on a dedicated playground. The team on site will thus answer the public’s questions, especially around the eco-actions. Because citizens can have a positive impact through their consuming choices, it is time to take action!

Adopting eco-friendly behavior during your holidays does not require more time than usual!