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Surfrider remembers moments through the shots that marked this past year. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, let us revisit the 5 most striking photos of 2017.



Photographer : Caroline Power

Caroline Power publishes alarming snapshots on Facebook. A specialist in underwater photography, the artist captures the sad reality of aquatic pollution. What was once a pristine refuge for many marine species off the coast of Honduras has now become a polluted wasteland of plastic bags, bottles, cutlery, and various waste that have accumulated to form small floating islands of trash.


Photographer : Paul Nicken

National Geographic photographer Paul Nicken captured heartwrenching images of a hungry polar bear on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. On social networks, this bear has provoked strong reactions and seems to have become the symbol of global warming. With the melting ice packs, polar bear hunting grounds are shrinking and no longer provide enough food.


Photographer : Justin Hofman

A finalist for the 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award, Justin Hofman unveils this powerful photo of a seahorse hanging from a cotton swab. Near the coast of Sumbawa Island, in the Indian Ocean, the small animal gently drifts while clinging to this plastic waste that appears grandiose in comparison to the frail creature. Justin hofman adds, “It’s a photo I would never have taken, but now I want everyone to see it.”


For the last 2 shots, we will be more positive with the beautiful that nature brings to us. 


Photographer : Ingo Arndt, La nuit des tortues

Ingo Arndt specializes in animal photography. While it is difficult to predict their arrival, Ingo Arndt opened herself up to encounters with turtles on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica to capture this breathtaking spectacle. In the night, hundreds of turtles emerge from the ocean to drop their eggs on the beach. Between the darkness and the light, the photographer immortalizes this rare moment.


Photographer : Horacio Martinez, Oceanic in the sky

Horacio Martinez was awarded the “Rising Star” award at the 2017 Underwater Photographer of the Year Awards for this shot. At the heart of the Red Sea, the photographer captures this moment when the sky is immersed in the sea. This poetic shot reminds us to revel in the beauty and immensity of the ocean.

Let’s hope that 2018 offers us positive pictures about the protection of the ocean.