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For over 20 years, Surfrider Foundation Europe has been assisting citizens in cleaning up beaches, lakes and rivers during the Ocean Initiatives. Whether you want to organize your own beach cleanup or join an existing one: It’s easy! For its 24th edition (march 22 to 25), Surfrider returns to this event which focuses on changing behaviors.

In 23 years of action, the Ocean Initiatives have been through important evolution regarding participation, collections, scientific monitoring and lobbying. Today, Surfrider’s iconic program wants to make behaviors evolve toward sustainable change in favor of oceans!


Since 1995…

Starting in 1995, Surfrider joined operation “ Big Spring Clean” launched by the French government. When the project ended in 1999, Surfrider decided to continue, perpetuate and pursue this mobilization under the name of “Ocean Initiatives”. The movement has since, grown increasingly while focusing on citizens, message-bearers.

Since 1995, over 10 000 beach collections have been organized in the context of the Ocean Initiatives. Every year, there are approximately 40 000 people mobilized in over 40 committed countries.  This eco-citizen rendezvous is the opportunity to take action for environmental protection and become aware of the scourge marine debris are to oceans.

From whistleblower to expert, Surfrider has refined its approach, assistance and educational tools.

Let’s rewind …

In the past four years, there have been over 2000 m3 of waste collected per year. For instance, in 2016  a volume of 1 398 m3 of waste has been collected, which is the equivalent of 9 319 overflowing bathtubs!

In 2014, the 45 366 participants managed to collect 2 833 m3 of waste. What is it ? Often the same. In the most collected items there are cigarette butts, plastic and Styrofoam fragments, cotton swabs, plastic bags, bottles, caps, strings. Anything unusual ? fridges, bikes, shopping carts….

In 2017, cigarette butts were the most collected waste, followed by plastic fragments and all types of bottles. Let’s not forget that 60% to 90% of marine debris are composed of plastic and 100% of waste is human induced….

Today, the Ocean Initiatives support action, raise awareness among the majority via high participation and ambassadors of the movement and allow thorough pollution analysis.

Let’s mobilize for the 2018 Ocean Initiatives because it is urgent to take action. For the 24th edition of the iconic weekend, the message is clear: Don’t let waste invade your space!

Make sure to visit the Ocean Initiatives website to find the nearest beach collection for the official launch from March 22 to March25.

You can’t make it ? Don’t worry, there are Ocean Initiatives all year around!

#oceaninitiatives #SurfriderEurope