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Today is ocean’s special day! World Oceans Day was launched in 1992 after the Earth Summit in Rio. Its aim is to raise awareness about the urgent need to protect the oceans and organise a better management of marine resources.

On 8th June, Surfrider will take you around the wide range of actions carried out by its local branches throughout the year. Every one of them is committed in protecting the oceans and their users. Driven by common values and a strong desire to protect our environment, Surfrider volunteers make the organization shine internationally and they are the proud representatives locally.

A project around water quality in Barcelona

Barcelona’s local branch is coordinating a two-steps project which aim is to have a better knowledge of the water quality, notably on the beach, but also to pinpoint causes of local pollution and surfers’ infection cases. What they mainly want to identify are bacterias, viruses, chemicals and microplastics that can be found in the water.

Barcelona’s local branch first addressed a survey to surfers, as they also suffer of the water’s quality. This survey’s objective is to better evaluate surfers’ practices, their opinions on water quality, their observations on water conditions after heavy rains, the various kinds of waste they come across while surfing, but also the link between water quality and their health. With 220 responses, we can honorably say that the survey was successful.

After that, the local branch is now launching the second step of the project, focused on the analysis of the microplastics in the waters of La Barceloneta’s shore. To do so, a collaboration with the Marine Sciences section of the University of Barcelona has been planned. They will notably provide assistance in analysing these microplastics’ density. Together, we’re stronger : sharing knowledge can only provide better results. The results will be out circa June 2019 : stay tuned!

Photo by Mourad Saadi on Unsplash
Barceloneta, photo by Mourad Saadi

Gironde’s local branch fighting against heavy metals and hydrocarbons emissions

For almost a year, Gironde’s local branch has been carrying out intermittent water quality analyses, mainly from Le Porge, Lacanau and Bordeaux Lac. Their main actions is to control water quality on the shores and to watch chemical pollution of the river Garonne.

Lately, this local branch has taken their research to a new level: the possibility of a hydrocarbons and heavy metals emissions in the Garonne river. The volume of these potential emissions, originating from a naval deconstruction site, could reach the size of a football stadium.

In April 2018, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs)  samplings and analyses were conducted. Ongoing treatments almost confirmed the presence of PAHs components. In support of Surfrider’s action, the case was taken to the water police department, whose investigation is in progress.

By ensuring surveillance of water quality in order for it to stay the best possible, this local branch is a key player amongst Surfrider’s wide range of citizen actions.

Beach protection in Matosinhos: an emergency case

Matosinhos is one of the beaches in Portugal most frequented by surfers.

In 2016, the City Council recommended people to avoid swimming between November and March because of public works on the wastewater treatment plant. Indeed, wastewater emissions from households, farmings and industries can significantly degrade rivers and streams water quality, and thus sea water quality.

This organic, inorganic and microbiologic contamination was already sampled with high levels of Escherichia coli, among other bacterias. Following this observation, Surfrider’s program keepers of the coast decided to take action. The guardian, Ricardo, and local chapter started a crowdfunding campaign to conduct analyzes and collect data to pressure local authorities (city, government, etc.) and to identify sources of pollution.

In view of these events, 12 analyzes had been realized, focused on bacteriological indicators: enterococci, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Samples were taken between 2017 and 2018 on the Praia Internacional in Matosinhos, frequented by surfers. The results show an almost equitable alternation between good and bad water quality. However, a very poor quality of water was noted in winter for three consecutive months (November, December, January).

Surfrider’s branches are taking action on a daily basis to sensibilize citizens, protect the shores, its users and resources. As their commitment gets stronger, Surfrider’s messages and actions mushroom at a local level.

Photo de l'antenne Porto
Photo by local chapter Porto

Surfrider’s branches are taking action on a daily basis to sensibilize citizens, protect the shores, its users and resources. As their commitment gets stronger, Surfrider’s messages and actions mushroom at a local level. Many thanks to all those who give their time and energy for the protection of the oceans.