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As part of its mission « Water Quality », Surfrider Foundation Europe watches pollution sources on nautical activities area of several European coastal zones. As consumer and surfer, we also have a significant role. Here is an overview about actions we can take during a surftrip to preserve water and environment quality.

1. In a busted old school van, drive you won’t

Surely, more the vehicle is old and more it will be subject to break down… and to produce greenhouse gas. Well of course, the old school combi van looks amazing on the memory picture, but let’s favour a recent vehicle. Once on the spot, be sure to give priority to the bike or even to walk. By the way, why do not just move by bike? With a practical luggage rack and a strong off-roader bike, everything is possible! This ecological way of traveling is perfect to enjoy the landscapes and discover new spots. Of course, it also has some inconvenient: tiredness, flat tyre, rain (…) but in addition of getting the strongest calves ever, it will be so much easier to park on THE spot!

2. Ecological materials, choose you will :

  • For your board  :

Surfboards are definitely not perfect in terms of ecology… The main problem comes from their manufacture: to make a board, it needs polyurethane foam, epoxy resin and fiberglass. Some not reusable materials, toxics and very polluting (without considering their journey from the other side of the world). Fortunately, we meet more and more eco-responsible shapers! These folks use materials respecting the environment and recycle the wastes created during the manufacturing. There are companies in the Basque Country such as Notox, and everywhere in the world. Go get some information around you to support the good initiatives! You can also go back to the old surfboards made of wood for a style totally green.

  • For your wetsuit  :

The wetsuits and other accessories in neoprene are also products coming from oil and are not reusable. There is not that many of alternatives in this area, but some brands found the perfect component to nearly let down the neoprene: the yulex! It is a natural rubber coming from the quayule, cultivated in Mexico and in the United-States. This natural ingredient is even more remarkable as it needs just a bit of water and it does not require chemical treatment to grow. The yulex just started to come out, stay tuned …

  • For your wax :

Finally, the wax is not spared nether as most of them found in the shops are composed of products from petrochemistry with the paraffin wax that we get from the crude oil. And watch out the greenwashing! Some brands take advantage in showing an eco-friendly image but keep using paraffin wax for which the transportation and the refining are not ecological at all… Check carefully the components of your wax manufacture; the principal component used is currently the bee wax.

3. Solar batteries, use you will

And what if we finally wean ourselves from an electricity connection? Some solar kits do exist, adapted to the camping to charge our electronical devices thanks to this green energy! These kits are made of a solar panel with its fixing, the regulator of the appropriated care and the wires and necessary connection materials. If your destination is under the sun, you can definitely make the solar panel your first choice to keep taking, for example, the most beautiful pictures of your trips.

4. Reusable containers for your snack, use you will

Because we have not been saying it enough, do not go for a snack without your tote-bag, basket, reusable Tupperware and your flask! For a meal with the least impact on the environment, also think about supplying yourself in the local markets, preferably the producers market, in a CSA or directly at the producer’s. When it is time to shop, try to ban the overpackaged food as much as you can. There are a lot of bulk shops, and you even have apps to find your way to them such as ZeroWasteHome by Béa Johnson!

5. In an ecological way do your business you will

To conclude this eco-friendly surftrip guide, we invite you to read, or read again, the amazing book “How to shit in the woods” by Kathleen Meyer! You may do not know, but to do your business in the nature is not obviously ecological… It needs to know how to use some technics and to be a master in the art to dig a hole, and not wherever! It is about not to disperse its faecal bacterises that could contaminate the water tables. To take it seriously, then.

In the end, surf and environment are totally compatible. Between the boards, the wetsuits and the eco-friendly wax, surfer are spoilt for choice to reduce their environmental impact and to protect the ocean. Thereupon, have an awesome !

Article co-authored by Nahia Farmer et Alicia Muñoz