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Yann is in charge of the Surfrider Foundation Europe office in Bordeaux. This year, he is behind the first Surfrider’s Escape-Game! On the New Island, in New Aquitaine, collect precious information to resolve riddles and free Muriel the Eurasian Spoonbill, the emblematic bird of the Island. An original way to raise awareness about aquatic waste and biodiversity preservation.

Tell us more about you :

Since 2011, I was a donor to Surfrider Foundation Europe. It was the time there were still oil slick remains in waves, in Les Landes. As a swimmer, I was feeling really concerned. When I was leaving in vacations, I was coming out from the ocean black and I probably passed as much time in lifeguards’ office as in water.

After experiences abroad, I came back in France and I met again Surfrider, as an employee though. First, I worked in the mobilisation hub before to start working in Bordeaux, in 2017.

How did you engage yourself in Surfrider?

This year, we have chosen to start an Escape-Game to spread a message to people that are not especially aware about environmental issues, in particular the ones about aquatic waste.

Consequently, we thought about original ways to raise awareness among people. To start, we decided not to work on beach. Waste are transferred from the top to the bottom, so it is interesting to raise awareness at the starting point, rivers and big cities. It is why we choose to work on the New Island, waste passing through the Gironde estuary. Moreover, the Island is deserted since 1973, none live there. People will be even more surprised and called to mind to find a hoven, a fridge or a container on the dyke and they will wonder “why is that here?”. Then, we can explain the waste’s transfer by the river and how they end in the ocean.

The Escape-Game is also a way to highlight the area in a fun mode. Through the game, people incorporate easily message. It is more efficient, they discover a place and are aware about waste issues and about biodiversity conservation, in a smooth way.

What has been the key point of your experience?

For years, associations have made people more aware in setting up a stand in a precise place, in waiting that people come to them to discuss. It works, but most people that are coming are already aware. However, go into knowledge in depth is not our main mission…

The challenge is about getting off the beaten track and create an awareness approach through the game. We met a maximum of people to have feedbacks, but we are still wondering: are we going the clever way? Are riddles too easy? Too complicated?

Reach a large public scale and inform them through game is a real challenge.

The last word ?

The New Island is a beautiful place, very natural. The Gironde Departmental Council and the coastline conservatory put a renaturation process in place. The Island is taking back its rights, step by step, and comes back to its natural state. The area has a very diversified fauna and flora, with around 190 bird species. The Escape-Game participants will be able to learn a lot about wetlands, tides, alluvial forests, waste transfer and its risk for biodiversity, animals, human being etc. Apart from message supported by Surfrider Foundation Europe, this game on the New Islands is a way to (re)create link between humans and nature.

Yann et Bordeaux’s team fight against aquatic waste in proposing awareness playful actions, accessible for everyone. Generally, Surfrider Foundation Europe is wheeling to inform, educate and take action locally, in being close of population. For those who can not come to the New Island, we can realize the escape game online.

For others, go to the island on :

  • 13 juillet
  • 3, 4 et 5 août
  • 24, 25 et 26 août
  • 1er septembre