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Summer: a good excuse to rethink simple and basic gestures.

Isn’t summer the best season to enjoy the fresh breeze from the ocean whether it’s with your family, with friends or simply alone, with the horizon as your only witness? It’s a time of year when it feels good to remind oneself how important it is to preserve this location. We can do this thanks to simple but meaningful gestures that everyone of us can manage, at the beach or anywhere else for that matter.

When you feel thirsty

With the heat and sun, it is of course necessary to stay hydrated. However, it is also high time we banned plastic water bottles and used reusable ones. This is a simple act that has a strong ecological impact because it helps to reduce considerably the average water bottle consumption (73 water bottles are used per European citizen every year). Besides, plenty of towns have now installed drinkable water fountains, so no more excuses!
You will be able to find the reusable bottle that suits you easily because nowadays they exist for all ages, in every shape and size. And while we’re at it, if ever you are in a bar, a restaurant, even a fast-food one, forget about straws. They are cool only if they are reusable!

Reset Your Habits

When you take care of yourself

We know that exposing oneself to the sun and UVB radiation is bad for our skin. It’s therefore important to avoid sun exposure between 12 am and 4 pm. Everyone’s favorite remedy: sun cream. But it is preferable to use ocean friendly sun cream in big bottles, ones that avoid overpackaging the product and do not contain microbeads of plastic (polyethylene).
It’s the same thing for taking showers which are essential to too many people after a swim. But know this: shampoos and chemical soaps contaminate the ocean as well and are therefore to be prohibited. It is better to use care products free from any plastic microbeads or even better, learn how to make your own zero waste toilet bag thanks to our DIY workshops.

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When you’re having fun

It is obviously forbidden to leave your rubbish on the beach (or anywhere else for that matter) to keep it clean. To do so, remember some simple gestures such as bringing your own portable ashtray or your tote bag to pick up your waste. You can also use the Initiatives Oceanes web page to warn of any pollution or if ever you want to organize a waste collection.

However, it is important not to pick up any natural debris like shells, algae or pieces of washed-up wood. Why is that ? Well, it is to preserve the fragile ecosystem and the fauna and flora that represent a good part of that environment. For further information, please check out the form explaining ‘The washed-up elements from the sea.’