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One Planet Summit: The awakening of States about maritime transport

In Paris opens today the One Planet Summit. This universal event for the climate gathers around 2 000 key players: heads of state, politicians, economists and public figures. Surfrider Foundation Europe struggles since many years to point out the importance of shipping in the fight against climate change. Today, the international community finally takes it into account!

Maritime transport in numbers

90% of the world freight transport goes through the seas. It represents 9.1 billions of tonnes of goods shipped each year (289 tonnes each seconds!) and 50 000 ships sailing the seas every day.  Even if this mode of transport is less polluting than by road or by air, this traffic produces 3% of the world CO2 emissions. This amount may increase to 17% or more before 2050. Adding to the large amount of CO2 emissions, shipping is one of the causes for oceans acidification. It can also impact ecosystem, transporting invasive species from an ocean to another.

For these reasons, shipping is a very important battle for Surfrider Foundation Europe. Today, after years of combat, dissatisfactions and actions, States finally realize that maritime transport does have an environmental impact and commit to take concrete measures.

One Planet Summit: maritime transport on the desk

Exactly two years after the signing of the Paris Agreement (COP21), France wishes to bring the leading players of the public and private finance to think about the ways of supporting climate policies.

34 States including France, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia and Marshall Islands are committing on maritime transport actions to respect one of the main goal of the Paris Agreement: prevent the global temperature to rise more than 2 Celsius degrees.

This goal may only be respected by making strong commitments following the lead of the States known as “Haute Ambition”. These States stand for reducing ship CO2 emissions up to 70% of the emissions, based on 2008 emissions, before 2050. In practical terms it goes through, driving, sea roads, or technological innovations, with the amelioration of the eco-conception of ships for example.

Surfrider Foundation Europe is there to focus on the futures decisions made in the field of the international maritime transport, according to the work we’ve done on the label “sustainable shipping” to reduce greenhouse gases.

It’s a begining and a great victory for Surfrider Foundation Europe and we’re happy to share it with you today.