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Climate disasters : the impact of global warming

While Hurricane Irma is currently over the Caribbean , Surfrider Foundation Europe would like to focus again on the link between climate disruption and these meteorological phenomena. Surfrider Foundation Europe is an official partner of Al Gore’s new movie on climate change: “an inconvenient sequel: truth to power” to be released on September 27.

Whether it’s called a hurricane, a typhoon or a storm, it’s all the same. The consequences are the same : destroyed cities, displaced populations and all other tragedies. These events happen more and more frequently, this should make us ponder over the reasons. Emergency response to populations is mandatory but it is also important to start implementing long term disaster risk anticipation and reduction programs. While global warming is a global issue, shouldn’t the solution also be a global concern?

These phenomena stem from depression in tropical areas. Hot air rises and cools, condensation generates clouds while liberating energy and winds rise from this energy. This phenomenon happen over large areas ( several hundred sqm), which explains the extend of these phenomena and their  disastrous impacts on an island, an archipelago or even a US State.

The hotter the air is over the ocean, the more likely this natural phenomenon will form a storm. Consequently with temperature rising ground and ocean air masses , such events will occur more frequently and more violently. These natural phenomena meet our planet’s climate requirements. If we change the latter, natural responses are also directly impacted.

Today, Irma is another reminder. Economist and former World Bank director, Nicholas Stern, announced in 2006 that the cost of climate change may add up to 5% of the world GDP ( and up to 20% with collateral damage) in the years to come. Meanwhile, according to the same report, climate could be stabilized by using 1% of the world GDP to reduce GHG emissions. It is time to take action !


“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”: Surfrider, an official partner

Surfrider Foundation Europe is an official partner of Al Gore’s latest film: 10 years after his film“ An Inconvenient Truth”, real alarm on climate disruption toward the general public, the former US Vice President is back with a message full of hope and urgency to take action. The energy revolution is on,it is up to us whether or not to get involved.

The official film release date is September 27 but you can already book your tickets for the national preview screening on September 14 in one of the 40 participating cities.

Information and reservation at ->